Monday, November 23, 2009

Which Colour Match With A Green Carpet

The world is going to end: Test N ° 17


Friday, November 13, 2009

Cambells Scalloped Potatoes

Now if! Here's an idea! Job

Excerpt: parliamentary We have a very full agenda including the revision of several laws from December 10 and the discussion of other issues that had not been discussed.


Flashback: When I was young and was still at primary school, once forget (or wanted) to forget to do a task that the teacher had given us: Write a story.
Prisoner of fear of scolding and humiliation that might mean to my peers, I decided to write the story while the teacher noted the stories of my peers. My classmates were reading, I gained time. Sure, I thought it was easy, I thought no one would notice, I thought I would avoid putting any silliness public ridicule, challenges, ridicule and punishment. I wrote this:

"This is the story of a duck, a dog and a cat who meet in a forest and from there live many adventures, full of joy and friendship ... "

When my turn came and read my essay, the teacher's face froze ...
_ Is this seriously?
_ Si ...
_ Is this the story?
_ If ...
_ Dame's diary .. .

Sure ... was an adult and I was very idiot ...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Good Friend Wedding Card

HVUJCR proposed future employment opportunities for ex-rock star. Today, Toti Iglesias.

bus driver

" And when night comes, it passes the 102 ... "


Toti News, a victim of persecution K .


" What Calamaro would use word to rhyme with Flanders? "


150 kilos of numerical superstition and rocker attitude.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Revolution Speed Robots Facemasks

World will End: Test N ° 16
