Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Quotes From The Women In The American Revolution

classes of people.

Building a good deal Dating on the different kinds of people you can find out there I suggest a new chalaconcurso in which, again, tries to guess who said what. Phrases are real characters, movies, cartoons ... anything goes.
  1. "There are two kinds of people: Those who enter a room and say 'Here I am ! ' and those who say, ' Ah, there you .'"
  2. "The world is divided into two categories: those with a revolver loaded and those who dig. You dig "
  3. " There are three kinds of people: those who work themselves to death, which should work and would have to kill "
  4. " There are two kinds of people: those who say to God: ' Let your will, ' and those to whom God says, 'OK, do what you want . '"
  5. " There are three kinds of people: those who can count and those who do not know. "
  6. " Men are divided into two categories: one seeking all his life and can not find nothing other and are never found happy "
And here the authors of these phrases:
  1. Rubio (Clint Eastwood in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly)
  2. Hommer Simpson Frederick L. Collins
  3. Mihai Eminescu Mario Benedetti
  4. CSLewis


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