Thursday, December 23, 2010

Best Foundation Brush 187

Entropía/12 Symptoms: In Defense of Christmas

Christmas is notorious. Well-earned in recent times, changing its meaning endless ritual for a spot of glib formulas and false happiness, which is unhelpful.

And yet, the ritual is fulfilled. Because it is almost impossible to understand social groups without rituals, which are never random or free themselves, but they respond, as everyone knows, major events of our existence and time axes are in critical.

Excessive brightness and glittering Christmas spending, reduced to mere gesture, almost erased from our historical memory causes soslticio universal rite of winter:

1. The sun is beginning to increase their attendance time on our heads back light. And that is encouraging.

2. But while the light again, remains a long hard winter and must pass through: a.

Accumulate supplies in and out of our body

b. Recourse to the shelter of the group being together and give yourself another show of support

The social system arising from the bourgeois (capitalist and socialist) extended the uniform customs and gestural clichés reduction lacking reproductive force . The resulting hyper prefers individuals on their own, single-celled: the hyper generates collective lack of responsability.

Perhaps in times of crisis and confusion (not only economic), the rite regain sentido.y in these times perhaps also be possible to invent formulas different from the challenge of the new Solstice. Maybe.

So good Christmas or winter solstice - Chroni - Saturnalia - day wren - rozhanitsa - shab-e chelleh - soyalangwul - yule-zagmu - seva zistanê - Perchta - sankranti makara - and a few others. Luisa


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