Thursday, December 30, 2010

Examination Doctor Penis

2011: be careful out there

"My friend, I think of you and I regret so much confusion. I would like you to know I prefer a spaceship somewhere
but perhaps nowhere was the best-indecipherable, but with you. We have not able to learn, but only one way to not hurt so much: it is like the good old rock songs, just so:
Take my hand, hold me, walk and not look back.
There is nothing more we can do.
Walk right now. Camina then another.

Better yet if I could see you as the commander of the Enterprise and each chapter announced the disaster and then not together for an endless loop. Always an adventure. Or not. And purpose.
Or not.
Traveling in space is nothing but travel back in time as if we did towards the future. We repeat
. We repeat, Orpheus. Do not look now,
please. "

(This is an excerpt from a poem called " The incredulous Euridice ". The poem is itself part of a new book that tries to play with reinterpretations some immortal classical myths. As Ulysses, missing in action ", another poem discussed here a few weeks ago. I found this excerpt from "The incredulous Euridice" met a few topics well suited to these dates end / beginning of the year: the cyclical sense of time, the need to restart the road, mutual support ... In short: conjúremonos and try one more time or many in 2011: be careful out there ...).


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